The Code Sprint!

Fearless City is sponsoring a Drupal Camp code sprint starting at 6pm, right after Drupal Camp on Friday. It’s conveniently located at the Delicados Café which is in the same block as the Wosk Centre. Don’t worry about trying to catch a bite to eat before you get there, food is provided (though you’re on the hook for your own drinks).

Come and “jam” with fellow creatives, both technical and non-technical, from 6pm to 9pm. There’s activities for right and left brainers, er, themers and coders, alike! The plan is for coders to focus on methods for adding mobile content and themers to focus on the creation of a mobile-friendly black-on-white theme. Don’t worry about your skill level, everyone can participate.

The Fearless Media Project facilitates community participation in the creation of media and community dialogue on issues relevant to people in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) of Vancouver.

For more information, contact Steve Nelson.

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