{NOTE: This wrap-up post was emailed to the Drupal Camp Vancouver attendees and cross-posted at Vancouver Drupal Group for posterity and community sharing goddness – daveo}
We’re a few days past Drupal Camp Vancouver and we, Dave, Dale and Ariane your earnest organizers, want to say “Thanks!” to everyone who sponsored, volunteered, presented, and otherwise helped out to make DCV08 a enjoyable and beneficial event. The vibe and the knowledge sharing resulted in some outstanding collaboration and compelling networking for sure.
As for me, I wanted three things for DCV08: 1) eco-friendly t-shirts; 2) a party with free beer; and 3) to fly up Dmitri the 12-year old Drupalist for the event. While the special guest didn’t happen, the success of the Fearless City code sprint made up for it. I feel leaving a legacy of volunteer-ism and activism using open source software is an important precedent to set. So as Meatloaf is wont to sing, “Two outta three ain’t bad.”
I briefly considered sending out an “exit survey” to gauge opinions and help plan for next year, however the reality of other job tasks got in the way. Instead, please blog about what worked for you. What didn’t fly? Highlights? Disappointments? Suggestions? Motivations? Don’t keep ‘em inside! Share your opinion on any related topic (venues, food, talks, etc.) for the collective benefit. Tag your posts “dcv08″ or “drupalcampvancouver” to maximum handiness.